Koji Denis Ishikawa Fujioka
Lives of the Nikkei scholarship 'Dream Come True Project' students ~ Koji Denis Ishikawa Fujioka
Mt. Fuji
Why did you decide to study in Japan?
I decided to study in Japan for the following three reasons:
- Japan’s animal husbandry techology is much more advanced than Paraguay and highly evaluated globally.
- To learn the technology and knowledge at Obihiro University of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine where production technology is advanced even for Japan’s standards
- The reason why I chose to major in animal production science is because Paraguay is the sixth largest beef exporter in the world, and the country’s economic development is closely related to the livestock farming sector.
Based on the above, I would like to learn the most advanced livestock technology in Japan and in the world, become a part of the production system and contribute to Paraguay.
How is your life in Japan?
Life in Japan is very enjoyable. Most of all, I enjoy going to different places, meeting different people and learning a lot of new things. I feel I am growing gradually each day. I am really grateful to the Nippon Foundation and the Association of Nikkei and Japanese Abroad for giving me this opportunity and to the NFSA members who always support me whenever I’m in need. It feels like one big family, and I can only say thank you. I am still studying in Japan, but this life in Japan is already an experience that I will not forget for the rest of my life.
Tell us about your present study or research.
My current research is related to the reinforced nurtuing program of calves by feeding waste milk fermented into yogurt for better conservation. In dairy farming, milk taken from cows in confinment or with disease is discarded in many cases. The usability of fermenting such milk into yogurt for better conservation and combining it with milk substitute of high protein and low fat is considered. It is expected to reduce environmental burden by using waste milk as well as the nuturing cost and contribute to development of the dairy industry.
Did your consciousness as a Nikkei change in any way through studying in Japan?
I felt glad about being a Nikkei after I came to Japan, because I felt little cultural difference thanks to the Japanese culture preserved by my family and the Nikkei society in Paraguay. Of course there are some things about the cultures and societies of Japan and Paraguay that I want to change, but being a Nikkei, I can understand more about differences and I learned to make better decisions for people around me and myself.
What is your dream for the future?
Large companies in Paraguay employ technicians from foreign countries in many cases. As a Nikkei Paraguayan, I want to change the concept of not selecting specialists developed in Paraguay as managers and not evaluating them fairly. As the Nikkei society is also engaged in livestock farming, I would like to learn economic growth of the entire country, and develop Paraguay into the most excellent food exporter in the world in the future. While studying my special field, I would like to be a human resource who deepens the relationship with Japan, brings Japan and Paraguay together and supports the development of Paraguay.
Please give a message to students who are considering studying in Japan.
I think the most important thing is to never give up on the dream and move foward. I think it is important not to forget the purpose however hard it is, to make efforts every day, to learn new things out of upcoming various experiences and to fight until the dream comes true.
Paddle surf at Isshiki Beach Winter in Obihiro