Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Below are some of the frequently asked questions on the application procedures for Nikkei scholarship.
Q: I cannot speak Japanese, but can I apply for the scholarship?
A: Yes. Some schools (universities or graduate schools) offer English programs. Upon request, you can learn Japanese at a Japanese language school after you arrive in Japan. However, to live in Japan, it is preferable to have language ability equivalent to the level N3 of the Japanese Language Proficiency Test (JLPT).
Q: I have no written informal acceptance by an institution, but can I still apply for the scholarship?
: Yes. Please decide on an institution for studying by the time you arrive in Japan. If this is impossible, you can take an entry exam or negotiate the entry directly with an institution and decide on an institution for studying by the end of March in first year.

Q: I cannot complete the application forms in Japanese.
A: You may fill out the forms in your local language.
Q: Can a resident in Japan apply?
A: Any Nikkei citizen of a country mainly in Central and South America regions can apply, regardless of where he/she resides.
Q:Is it possible for person with impairment to apply for this program?
A:Yes. We recommend that you confirm the support system and program of prospective schools in advance.
Q: Is a recommendation by a Nikkei organization necessary?
A: Yes, it is required as we need to know the attitude of applicants in advance because we want scholarship recipients to optimally exploit what they have learned in Japan to ensure progress in their residing countries and regions. We also accept recommendations written in a language other than Japanese.
Q: Where and when will the interview for screening be conducted?
A: Interviews are scheduled to take place between end of September to early October in Tokyo, Sao Paulo, Spanish speaking regions (mainly in Lima) and others (TBD). We will pay for the interviewees’ transportation for interviews held in Japan, and for transportation, daily allowance and accommodation fee for interviews held outside Japan.
Q: I hold a Japanese nationality, but can I apply?
A: You can apply regardless of nationality, academic background or your experience of visiting Japan. The requirement is that you are a Nikkei.
Q: How can I search for prospective schools?
A: You can refer to the below website when you want to search for universities, graduate schools or Japanese researchers.
JASSO/Japan Student Services Organization
You can find many useful information about studying in Japan such as finding schools or information on scholarship programs.
You can search for an academic researcher under various themes by entering a keyword. It also displays the university each researcher belongs to so that you can search for a university which offers your research field.
Q: Is it possible to receive training at private companies or organizations?
A: It is possible. However, it is preferable to obtain a prior consent from the organization you intend to receive training from. In the past, students received trainings at National Cancer Center Japan, a Garden Research Institute, the Nippon Taiko Foundation and others.
2-3-1, Shinko, Naka-ku, Yokohama-shi, Kanagawa, 231-0001, Japón
JICA Yokohama 2F
“Kaigai Nikkeijin Kyokai / Nikkei Scholarship”
TEL :045-211-1788 FAX : 045-211-1781
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