Nozawa Shishido Bianca Hidemi
Lives of the Nikkei scholarship 'Dream Come True Project' students ~Nozawa Hidemi

Why did you decide to study in Japan?
Japan has more expertise, and it is easier to purchase necessary equipment in terms of learning how to draw manga and illustrative drawing.
How is your life in Japan?
It was difficult in the beginning and took me a while to get used to the environment in Japan. I suggest bringing extra medicine from your own country. I enjoyed meeting people from different countires at NFSA.
Tell us about your present study or research.
I am studying character designs, digital and analogue illustration, sketches etc.
Did your consciousness as a Nikkei change in any way through studying in Japan?
I thought I was Japanese when I was in Brazil, but not anymore. I am not a typical Japanese compared to the Japanese living in Japan and I am not a typical Brazilian living in Brazil. I acknowledge myself as a Nikkei now.
What is your dream for the future?
I want to be an illustrator. I want get a job where I can utilize what I have learned in Japan.
Please give a message to students who are considering studying in Japan.
It would be a great experience to study in Japan. You can learn many things which you do not have the opportunity in your own country (In my case, learning to draw Japanese manga).