What is a Nikkei Scholarship?

What is a Nikkei Scholarship? The Nippon Foundation Nikkei Scholarship ‘Dream Come True Project’
The Nippon Foundation Nikkei Scholarship ‘Dream Come True Project’ is a scholarship program which grants opportunities to young Japanese descendants abroad who have a concrete plan or dream to contribute to enhanced understanding between their residing countries and Japan and/or promoting the evolution of their residing countries or communities to realize their plans and dreams.
Implementing organization
The Association of Nikkei and Abroad receives subsidies from The Nippon Foundation to perform the tasks of recruitment/ selection processes, preparation for accepting scholarship students, provision of scholarship money etc. Please contact our office for any inquiries regarding Nikkei Scholarship program.
The Association of Nikkei and Abroad
🌐 https://www.jadesas.or.jp/en/
What is expected of the recipients of the Nippon Foundation Nikkei Scholarship
This scholarship program is mainly being implemented for younger Nikkei residents in the Central and South America regions. Our expectations of the scholarship recipients are as follows:
1. Human resources who will contribute to enhanced understanding and promotion of mutual exchanges.
2. Human resources who will help promote the evolution of their residing countries and communities.
3. Human resources who will be able to play central roles in the next-generation Nikkei society.
To accomplish the above-mentioned purpose, we select individuals with a firm and clear goal of acquiring expertise through studies in Japan and who will thereby play active roles in their respective countries of residence in future.
Scholarship recruitment process
We accept application once a year between June and July for the following year Scholarship students. Please check the details of the application guideline to apply.
Fields of expertise for scholars
The students on the Nippon Foundation Nikkei Scholarship have studied in wide-ranging venues within Japan, such as graduate schools, colleges, junior colleges, professional schools, medical institutes, private-sector corporations and so on.
Scholarship students study in wide-ranging fields of expertise including medicine, acupuncture and moxibustion treatment, economics, public administration, international relations, agricultural science, Japanese drums, designs and others, which are expected to contribute to the development of their countries as well as their Nikkei communities.
Former/current educational institutions of Nikkei scholarship recipients are HERE
Social activities by recipients of the Nippon Foundation Nikkei Scholarship
Recipients of the Nippon Foundation Nikkei Scholarship are brushing up their respective expertise and simultaneously addressing social activities based on their own awareness of problems and on a voluntary basis.
The ultimate goal of their activities is to achieve “Nikkei societies that contribute to the evolution of their countries and regions” and “closely united Nikkei societies transcending the boundaries between nations and generations,” and each scholarship recipient is taking all steps, from planning to implementing the activity under his/her awareness of problems including:
1. Issues related to the education of younger Nikkei residents of Japan
2. Supporting the lives of younger Nikkei residents of Japan
3. Exchanges with Japanese societies
4. Exchanges with local Nikkei societies
They are implementing various activities within the possible scope and have achieved results in the form of visits to schools and participation in special events, acting as voluntary interpreters, etc.
< Contact >
2-3-1, Shinko, Naka-ku, Yokohama-shi, Kanagawa, 231-0001, Japan
JICA Yokohama 2F
“Kaigai Nikkeijin Kyokai / Nikkei Scholarship”
TEL :045-211-1788 FAX : 045-211-1781
For inquiries: Click here